Kara Donovan

Biomedical Engineering
Degree pursuing: PhD Biomedical Engineering

Where did you complete your undergraduate degree?
Clemson University

Please provide your lab and description of research
I work in Dr. Eric Leuthardt's lab in the Division of Neurotechnology within the Department of Neurosurgery. My research specifically focuses on probing mechanisms of action for a noninvasive neuromodulation technique called transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation. I use both brain and muscle recordings from neurosurgical patients and healthy adults to understand how the human nervous system responds to this stimulation and how we can better optimize it for rehabilitation.

What played into your decision to get a graduate engineering degree?
A key factor that motivated me to pursue a PhD was my experience attending 2 conferences in undergrad. I went to the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting my junior and senior year, and both times came away feeling inspired and excited to continue research back at Clemson. I also developed a keen interest in neurotechnology and knew I wanted to contribute to the research in this field as it is definitely a growing field in today's world.

Why did you pick WashU?
I picked WashU for several reasons, including the proximity of the main campus and medical campus, its world-class reputation, and its strength as a pioneer in neural engineering and neurotechnology. Beyond the academic aspects, the students I met both at the WashU booth at the BMES conference and during my interview weekend in St. Louis solidified WashU as the choice for me. I felt confident I would have the ability to conduct exciting research while also getting involved in other aspects of grad student life, and that has proved true throughout my time here.

What is your favorite thing about St. Louis?
Forest Park (especially in the Fall) has to be my favorite thing about St. Louis! A close second would be the food and coffee scene here; St. Louis has a pretty diverse restaurant ecosystem and I love trying out different spots on the weekends.

What advice would you give to a new student?
Take advantage of all the amazing opportunities WashU has to offer beyond just your academic research and coursework! The professional development opportunities are second to none and I have benefitted immensely from connections with faculty and students at WashU both within and outside of my specific department.

What campus activities or groups would you recommend to a new student?
BALSA, InSITE, Brain Discovery

What are your plans for the future?
After my PhD, I plan to pursue a career in management & strategy consulting. My experiences in two trainee-run consulting groups at WashU, BALSA and InSITE, are largely responsible for my career plans and exposed me to the various non-traditional career paths a PhD affords you.