Faculty & Research

Our faculty perform cutting-edge research in a wide variety of areas and are recognized worldwide for their discoveries. McKelvey Engineering faculty also collaborate with faculty in other departments and other schools within the university on numerous interdisciplinary research projects.

Research without boundaries

Research by the numbers

of Engineering faculty have received the NSF CAREER Award
$57 million
in research awards (FY23)
of undergraduate students conduct research or independent study

NSF CAREER Award Recipients

A third of all faculty at the McKelvey School of Engineering have received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). This prestigious award supports faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.

Learn more about the faculty and research supported by CAREER awards at McKelvey Engineering. 


Brendan Juba Brendan Juba
Relational Generalization in Integrated Learning and Reasoning
Angelina Lee I-Ting Angela Lee
A Task-Parallel Platform for Interactive Applications


Mark Meacham Mark Meacham
“Dynamic characterization of acoustofluidic devices using living probes”
Roman Garnett Roman Garnett
“Boosting scientific discovery through intelligent experimental design”


Song Hu

Song Hu
“Transforming Multi-parametric Photoacoustic Microscopy”

Elijah Thimsen Elijah Thimsen
“Controlling Low Temperature Plasma Activation”
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
“Adversarial Artificial Intelligence for Social Good” 


Matthew Lew Matthew Lew
"Nanoscale sensing and imaging using computational single-molecule nanoscopy"
ShiNung Ching ShiNung Ching
"System Theoretic Methods for Understanding the Dynamics of Cognition"


William Yeoh William Yeoh
"Decentralized Constraint-Based Optimization for Multi-Agent Planning and Coordination"


Rajan Chakrabarty Rajan Chakrabarty
"From Cradle to Grave: Radiative Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols"
Barani Raman Barani Raman
"Neural Dynamics, Olfactory Coding and Behavior"
Amit Pathak Amit Pathak
"History-dependent cell motility in heterogeneous micro environments"


Fuzhong Zhang Fuzhong Zhang
"Synthetic regulatory systems for dynamic metabolic pathways"


Srikanth Singamaneni Srikanth Singamaneni
“Plasmonic Nanoclusters with Built-in Artificial Antibodies for Label-free Biosensing”
Jung-Tsung Shen
"Extraordinary Enhancement of Optical Nonlinearity in Subwavelength Metal-Nonlinear Dielectric Gratings"


Kunal Agrawal Kunal Agrawal
"Provably Good Concurrency Platforms for Streaming Applications


Caitlin Kelleher

Caitlin Kelleher
"Looking Glass: Leveraging Mentor Interactions to Create Personalized Programming Help for Independent Learners"
Young-Shin Jun Young-Shin Jun
"Understanding CO2-Fluid-Mineral Interfacial Reactions for Sustainable Geologic CO2 Sequestration: An Integrated Research & Education Plan"



Bruno Sinopoli Bruno Sinopoli
"Efficient, Secure and Robust Control of Cyber Physical Systems"
Yinjie Tang Yinjie Tang
"Development of 13C-assisted Metabolic Flux Analysis Tools for Metabolic Engineering of Cyanobacteria"
Lan Yang Lan Yang
"Real-Time Detection, Monitoring and Characterization of Single Nanoparticle/Bioaerosol Using On-Chip Resonators"


Tao Ju Tao Ju
"Reconstructing Geometrically and Topologically Correct Models"
Vijay Ramani Vijay Ramani
"Multi-functional materials for electrochemical energy conversion"


Jr-Shin Li Jr-Shin Li
"Ensemble Control with Applications to Spectroscopy, Imaging and Computation"


Daniel Giammar Daniel Giammar
"Interfacial Reactions Affecting Heavy Metal Fate and Transport: An Integrated Research and Education Plan"



Kathy Flores Kathy Flores
"Development of a Structurally Based Plastic Flow Model to Enhance the Utilization of Bulk Metallic Glasses"
Christopher Gill Christopher Gill
"Time and Event Based System Software Construction"
Chenyang Lu Chenyang Lu
"Adaptive Quality of Service Control in Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems"


Jeremy Buhler Jeremy Buhler
"New Technologies for Biosequence Comparison"


Phil Bayly Phil Bayly
"Prediction and Control of Nonlinear Oscillations: Applications to Mechanical and Cardiac Dynamics"

Strategic research areas

McKelvey Engineering is leading in these areas of research:

  • Aerosols
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Aquatics
  • Biomechanics
  • Cyberphysical Systems
  • Imaging Sciences

Inside the research

Hong Chen's team used ultrasound to safely, noninvasively induce a torpor-like state in mice, rats

Read the story