Fuzhong Zhang
Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
- Phone
314-935-7671 - Office
Brauer Hall, Room 1026 - Lab location
Brauer 1046
PhD, University of Toronto, 2009MS, McMaster University, 2005
BS, Peking University, 2003
Uses synthetic biology to produce better biofuels, chemicals and high-performance materials from engineered microbes
Synthetic biology approaches to produce advanced biofuels, chemicals, and materials from sustainable resources
Fuzhong Zhang’s research focuses on developing synthetic biology tools and systems for the sustainable production of structurally-defined chemicals and high-performance materials. Current research projects include: (1) engineering microbial metabolic dynamics and heterogeneity; (2) engineering metabolic pathways to produce structure-defined biofuels and chemicals; (3) developing microbial factories to produce high-performance materials.
Fuzhong Zhang became an assistant professor in the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis in 2012. He received his bachelor degree at Peking University, master at McMaster University, PhD at University of Toronto, and postdoctoral training at UC Berkeley/Joint BioEnergy Institute. Dr. Zhang is a recipient of the DARPA Young Faculty Award (2013), ORAU Junior Faculty Enhancement Award (2013), NSF CAREER Award (2014), Young Investigator Program from AFOSR, ONR, and HFSP (2015), NASA Early Career Faculty Award (2015), Biotech & Bioeng Daniel Wang Award (2016), Dean’s Faculty Award for Innovation in Research (2016), the SIMB Young Investigator Award (2017) and NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (2019).