McKelvey Engineering is committed to ensuring our students have the resources they need to learn and discover as they prepare to serve society, no matter their financial circumstances.

The McKelvey School of Engineering was the first school at Washington University to create a named scholarship program. Since its founding in 1974, the Scholars in Engineering Program has given thousands of engineering students the chance to attain an extraordinary education. The program's success is a testament to the generosity of the alumni and friends of McKelvey Engineering.

Support for scholarships is one of the most significant ways to invest in current and future engineering students at Washington University. A scholarship is a gift that touches not only the lives of the student recipients, but also the communities in which they live, learn, work, and serve.

Support our students

Scholarships are a key factor in many students' college decisions. Scholarship support allows some of the best students to attend WashU. The school's goal is to ensure that every admitted student can take advantage of a life-changing Washington University education, no matter their financial circumstances.

Make a gift

Scholarships by the numbers

Endowed Scholarships
Annual Fund Scholarships
Legacy Endowed Scholarships

Scholars in Engineering Program 2023

Ways to support the Scholars in Engineering Program

The Scholars in Engineering program offers the opportunity to sponsor a named scholarship and be connected with one or more engineering students. An enduring bond often develops between scholarship sponsors and their students over the years. Sponsors have opportunities to meet their scholarship recipients at the annual Scholars in Engineering Dinner in the fall and other events during the year. Many former scholarship recipients now sponsor scholarships to help future generations of students.

Endowed Scholarships

An endowed scholarship is a powerful investment in the future. A gift of $250,000 or more establishes an endowed scholarship that may be named to honor the donor or someone else of their choosing. The endowment principal is invested, and every year a portion of the endowment's annual investment income is used to provide a scholarship. In this way, the scholarship endowment lasts for as long as the university endures while also providing scholarship support for talented students each year. An endowed scholarship is an investment that will benefit society for generations to come.

Your gift may be pledged in advance, payable over a period of five years. Alternately, many endowed scholarships are funded through wills or other planned gift vehicles.

Scholarships Endowment Levels

Benefactor's Scholarship*


Founder's Scholarship*


Sustaining Scholarship*


Scholarship or Graduate Fellowship**


* Provides a named scholarship for one or more individual students each academic year
** Endowed gifts at this level may name a fund to be pooled with other resources to benefit WashU students

Annual Scholarships

All undergraduate annual scholarships will support the WashU Scholarship Fund and provide financial aid for students throughout the university. Graduate scholarship support may be directed to a specific school’s graduate program.

With an annual fund gift of $10,000 or more, a donor may name a university-wide undergraduate scholarship, a graduate scholarship in McKelvey Engineering, or a Langsdorf scholarship.

Scholarships & Fellowships (minimum annual gift)

Danforth Circle: Chancellor’s Level*


Danforth Circle: Dean's Level*


Eliot Society Patron*


Young Alumni Scholarship Gift – Eliot Society Benefactor
Available for undergraduate alumni who have graduated in the past five years, and for graduate and professional alumni ages 35 or younger who have graduated in the past five years.


* Available for alumni ages 35 and younger who have graduated in the past five years.