I-Ting Angelina Lee
Computer Science & Engineering
- Phone
314-935-4621 - Office
McKelvey Hall, Room 2036
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012
BS, University of California, San Diego, 2003
Research areas
Works to advance software technologies for parallel computing
I-Ting Angelina Lee's research focuses on advancing software technologies for parallel computing. She is interested in many aspects of parallel computing, including designing programming models and linguistic constructs to simplify parallel programming, developing runtime and operating system support to execute multithreaded programs efficiently, and building software tools to aid debugging and performance engineering of multithreaded code.
Professor Lee's joined the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis in fall 2014. Prior to that, Professor Lee worked with the Supertech research group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led by Professor Charles Leiserson for her graduate study and subsequently as a postdoctoral associate. She received the Best Paper Award at the 2012 Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA).