Jr-Shin Li
Electrical & Systems Engineering
- Phone
314-935-7340 - Office
Green Hall, Room 1120B
PhD, Harvard University, 2006SM, Harvard University, 2004
MS, National Taiwan University, 1998
BS, National Taiwan University, 1996
Studies complex large-scale systems arising from emerging physical, biological and medical applications
Jr-Shin Li’s research lies in the areas of control, dynamical systems, optimization, and learning. In particular, he is interested in studying complex large-scale systems arising from emerging applications in physics, biology, neuroscience, medicine, public health, and complex networks. His research program is transdisciplinary, with the emphasis on fundamentals of systems science and mathematics, which offers ample research opportunities at the forefront of the field and its interdisciplinary applications.
Jr-Shin Li joined the faculty of Washington University in St. Louis right after receiving his PhD degree in Applied Mathematics at Harvard University in 2006. He is now Professor of Systems Science and Mathematics in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering. He also holds a joint appointment in the Computational and Systems Biology and Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology programs in the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences (DBBS). He is Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (TCST). He has been a recipient of the NSF Career Award (2008) and the AFOSR Young Investigator Award (2010).