Lydia Reader
Division of Computational & Data Science
Degree pursuing: PhD Computational and Data Sciences

Where did you complete your undergraduate degree?
Washington University in St. Louis
Please provide your lab and description of research
I work with Dr. Ross Hammond in the Brown School of Social Work and Public Health. Our work focuses on using agent-based modeling for epidemiological research. In particular, I focus on childhood health behaviors and the role of the built environment on health.
What played into your decision to get a graduate engineering degree?
I want to answer socially important questions and advance my skills as a researcher.
Why did you pick WashU?
WashU provided an opportunity for me to combine computer science and social problems through the Division of Computational and Data Sciences.
What is your favorite thing about St. Louis?
St. Louis has a great park near campus, Forest Park, and good food!
What advice would you give to a new student?
Do not feel like you need to get everything done in your first year. A PhD is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be time to figure out your interests.
What are your plans for the future?
I want to stay in academia and teach!