Afaque Manzoor
PhD, Jeju National University, 2021ME, Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2018
BE, Sukkur IBA University, 2014
Research areas
Soft robotics and flexible electronics, advancing technologies for healthcare, environmental monitoring, and wearable applications.
Afaque Manzoor will join McKelvey Engineering as a senior lecturer in August 2024 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (MEMS). He has developed a wide range of robotics courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He taught an Advanced Printed Electronics course to postgraduate students at Jeju National University in 2021. Manzoor’s research focuses on soft robotics, flexible and wearable electronics, and 3D and 4D printing of multifunctional materials. He focuses on the design, modelling, and fabrication of soft bioinspired robots and flexible sensors using innovative fabrication techniques. He serves as academic editor of the Journal of Robotics and of the Journal of Sensors and is an editorial board member of AI, Computer Science, and Robotics Technology.
Manzoor's research focuses on the development of soft robotic systems and flexible sensors for wearable and environmental applications. He uses various state-of-the-art fabrication techniques to make robust soft robots, such as soft frog robots, soft octopus robots, and wearable strain, pressure, and humidity sensors for wearable health applications.