Chuan Wang
Electrical & Systems Engineering
- Phone
314-935-2596 - Office
Green Hall, Room 2160B
PhD, University of Southern California, 2011BS, Peking University, 2005
Develops large-scale and cost-effective materials for flexible and stretchable electronic systems
2-D semiconductor nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, stretchable electronics, printed electronics, sensors and actuators
Chuan Wang's focus areas of research include: 1) flexible and stretchable electronics for displaying, sensing and energy harvesting applications; 2) low-cost additive manufacturing of flexible and stretchable electronics using inkjet printing; and 3) high-performance nanoelectronics and optoelectronics using two-dimensional semiconductors.
Wang joined Washington University in St. Louis as an assistant professor of electrical & systems engineering in 2018. Prior to joining WashU, he had been an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Michigan State University since 2013. Wang earned a doctorate in electrical engineering from University of Southern California in 2011 working with Chongwu Zhou and subsequently worked as a postdoctoral scholar with Ali Javey in the Department of Electrical and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley from 2011-2013. His doctoral and postdoctoral research made him a pioneer in the field of using solution-processed semiconducting carbon nanotube networks and CVD-grown horizontally aligned carbon nanotubes for high-performance thin-film transistors, integrated circuits, display electronics and RF electronics.