Heinz Schaettler
Electrical & Systems Engineering
- Phone
314-935-6019 - Office
Green Hall, Room 2156
PhD, Rutgers University, 1986Diplom-Mathematiker, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg, 1982
Applies optimal control methodology in mathematical models including cancer chemotherapy
Heinz Schaettler's research interests lie in geometric methods in the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems with emphasis on optimal control theory. In the past, he has done research on models arising in various fields of applications including economics (principal-agent problem), power systems (differential-algebraic models for voltage stability problems), electronics (minimization of base transit time in HBT's) and more. Currently, his research is focused on the analysis of mathematical models arising in biomedical systems, e.g. models for anti-angiogenic treatments.
After holding a one year position as post-doctoral fellow at the University of California-Davis, Professor Schaettler joined the Washington University in St. Louis faculty in 1987 as assistant professor in the Department of Systems Science and Mathematics. He was promoted to professor in 2015.