Martha Hasting
Electrical & Systems Engineering
- Phone
314-935-7240 - Office
Urbauer Hall, Room 211A
PhD, Saint Louis University, 1989MS, Saint Louis University, 1984
BSE, Northeast Missouri State University, 1981
BS, Northeast Missouri State University, 1981
Mathematics education
Martha Hasting has been teaching in the Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis since 2006. Prior to this, she taught in the Department of Mathematics at WashU, at Webster University, and at Lindenwood College.
While at WashU, Hasting received the Guido Weiss Teaching Award (from the Department of Mathematics) and the ESE Department Chair Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching. She was recognized by EnCouncil (the Engineering School’s Student Council) as Professor of the Year in 2008, and has been repeatedly recognized by the Women’s Panhellenic Association as an Outstanding Faculty Member. In 2015, Martha Hasting received the Dean's Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching (given by the School of Engineering and Applied Science).
Presentations have included “Teaching: Principles and Tips,” “Spring Motion,” and “The Monty Hall Problem.”