Jain to receive prestigious ACM SIGCOMM award

Raj Jain, the Barbara J. & Jerome R. Cox, Jr. Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering & Applied Science, has been selected to receive the 2017 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGCOMM Award, which recognizes lifetime contribution to the field of communication networks.
Through the award, ACM is recognizing Jain for his life-long contributions to computer networking including traffic management, congestion control and performance analysis.
The prestigious award, to be given at the SIGCOMM Technical Conference in August, has previously recognized influential leaders behind the Internet.
Jain’s research interests include inter-cloud and multi-cloud computing, architecture for the next generation Internet, wireless for unmanned aircraft systems, wireless emergency communications, aeronautical wireless datalink, energy and sustainability, resource management in wireless networks, mobile video modeling, network security, congestion control and traffic management, energy efficient protocols, performance analysis, and modeling and simulation.
Among numerous awards and honors, Jain has 14 patents and has written 16 book chapters, 65+ journal and magazine papers and 110+ conference papers. Google Scholar lists more 21,000 citations to his publications. He is a co-inventor of the DECbit scheme, which has been implemented in various forms in DECnet, OSI, Frame Relay and ATM Networks.