Martin to join EECE faculty
Randall Martin will join the faculty in EECE as a professor in August 2019

Randall Martin will join the Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering faculty in August 2019 as a professor.
Martin joins EECE from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, where he has been on the faculty since 2003. He was named professor in 2011. He also is the coordinator of the atmospheric science program and director of the Atmosphere Composition Analysis Group. Since 2003, he also has been a research associate at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, where he also was a postdoctoral fellow. He serves on a variety of task forces, advisory boards and working groups as an expert on air quality.
Martin earned a doctorate in engineering sciences at Harvard University; a MSc in environmental change and management at Oxford University; and a bachelor's in electrical engineering at Cornell University.
Martin's research focuses on characterizing atmospheric composition to inform effective policies surrounding major environmental and public health challenges ranging from air quality to climate change. He leads a research group at the interface of satellite remote sensing and global modeling, with applications that include population exposure for health studies, top-down constraints on emissions, and analysis of processes that affect atmospheric composition. Data from his group has been used for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Regional Well-Being Index, for World Health Organization estimates of global mortality due to fine particulate matter, for the Global Burden of Disease Project to examine the risk factors affecting global public health, for the Environmental Performance Index, and for a wide range of health studies.