BME PhD students named to board of BALSA Group
Kyaw Thu Minn, Megan Cohan and Taylor Comte will serve on the leadership board of the nonprofit organization

Three students from the McKelvey School of Engineering were elected to the leadership board of the BALSA group at Washington University in St. Louis. Kyaw Thu Minn, Megan Cohan and Taylor Comte, doctoral students within the Department of Biomedical Engineering, will serve a one-year term with the nonprofit organization, which aims to provide consulting services such as market research, technology assessment and business plan development.
Minn, who has served with the organization for more than two years, has been named president of the board and is responsible for ensuring the growth of BALSA group. Cohan has been named director of human resources and will oversee staffing for the group, which includes reviewing prospective consultant hires. And Comte has been named director of operations for the group and will manage records and data, as well as the group's bylaws.