WashU CSE announces new faculty hires
Netanel Raviv will join the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering

Three new faculty members have joined the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis.
Computer Science & Engineering
Netanel Raviv, assistant professor
- PhD, MSc, computer science, Technion, Haifa, Israel
- BSc, mathematics and computer science, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Raviv joins the McKelvey Engineering School from the California Institute of Technology (CalTech), where he is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Tel-Aviv University in Israel. He is a computer/information scientist and an applied mathematician with interests in real-world applications. Raviv joins the faculty Oct. 1.
His research focuses on applications of coding techniques to computation, privacy and storage. He has published papers in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and in Designs, Codes and Cryptography. In addition, he spent time as a research intern with IBM Research in Haifa, Israel; BingAds, Microsoft, in Bellevue, Wash.
Hila Ben Abraham, lecturer

Ben Abraham joins WashU as a lecturer after earning a doctorate in computer engineering from McKelvey Engineering in August. In addition, she earned a master's in computer science from McKelvey Engineering in 2017 and a bachelor's in computer engineering from Bar Ilan University in Israel. Previously, she worked as a software engineering in Israel for 10 years after serving in the Israeli Defense Forces. She also completed an internship at Cisco in Boston.
Brian Garnett, lecturer

An alumnus of Washington University with a bachelor's in mathematics earned in 2008, Garnett joins the Department of Computer Science & Engineering as a lecturer from Rutgers University, where he has been a teaching instructor since earning a doctorate in mathematics in 2016. He won a departmental teaching award in 2017.