Doctoral students win at AWWA-MWEA poster session
Kaichao Yang and Matthew Ferby were honored during a joint meeting of the American Water Works Association and the Missouri Water Environment Association

Two doctoral students in the Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering were recently recognized for their posters at the 2023 Fresh Ideas Student Poster Competition at the Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA) Joint Annual Meeting.
Kaichao Yang won first place for his poster titled “Removal of Disinfection Byproducts through Integrated GAC Adsorption and Reductive Degradation in a Membrane-less Electrochemical System.” Yang is a doctoral student in the lab of Zhen (Jason) He, professor of energy, environmental & chemical engineering.
“I was excited and honored to be awarded first place,” Yang said. “I would like to thank my adviser, Dr. He, for his guidance and support.”
Matthew Ferby won third place in the wastewater track of the poster session with his poster titled “Understanding the Effects of Osmotic Distillation in Membrane Contactor Recovery of VFAs and Ammonium.” Ferby is also a doctoral student in He’s lab.
He is an expert in the use of advanced technologies to recover valuable resources from wastewater, and his research focuses on environmental biotechnology, bioenergy production, biological wastewater treatment, resource recovery, bioelectrochemical systems, sustainable desalination technology, anaerobic digestion, forward osmosis and membrane bioreactors.