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Graduate Student Services
Graduate Student Forms
Engineering PhD Forms
Please follow instructions outlined on each form. When completing forms, be sure to enter information in all highlighted boxes then click "finish" to begin routing. If you have questions, feel you made an error on the form, or to check the status of a form, please contact your Graduate Program Advisor. Do not submit duplicates of the same form.
Forms for Student Use *Computer Science and Engineering students should contact Cleopatra Benos before initiating any forms.
- PhD Qualifying Exam
Upon completion of the QE, enter the committee members' names and email addresses. Enter the date of the exam and indicate if this is the 1st attempt or 2nd attempt. Refer to the departmental handbook for specific requirements regarding the QE. - PhD Lab Affiliation
When a final lab location has been secured, enter the name and email address of the Research Advisor (PI). Financial support is dependent upon completion of this document. - PhD Research Advisory Committee Approval
Approval of the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is needed prior to presenting the dissertation proposal. Enter the committee members' names and email addresses. - PhD Proposal/Title Scope & Procedure
After obtaining approval of the (RAC) enter the title of the dissertation, describe the scope and procedure. Enter the names and emails of the committee members. - PhD Dissertation Defense Committee Approval
Prior to the dissertation defense date (at least 6 months prior), enter the names and email addresses for the five or six committee members, per policy. Contact your GPA to initiate this form. - PhD Dissertation Defense Approval
Upon acceptance of the dissertation defense, submit this form with the final title of the dissertation and the committee members' names and email addresses. - PhD Transfer Credit
To have outside coursework (non-WashU) evaluated for credit towards the PhD, submit this form along with an unofficial copy of your transcript from the outside institution. This form should not be used to request WashU undergraduate or Master's coursework be counted towards the PhD. - PhD Request for Reinstatement
At least 4 weeks prior to enrolling in classes or prior to the start of the semester, students returning from a leave of absence must initiate approval by indicating the date of return. Medical leave of absences must first be recommended by Habif Health & Wellness Center.
Forms for Departmental Use
- PhD Departmental Requirements
Prior to a student’s dissertation defense, Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors will review department specific requirements needed to obtain the PhD. If the student has met all requirements, this will confirm completion. - PhD Defense Notification
Once learning of a student’s intent to defend, Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors should notify the Registrar of the upcoming defense using this form. The date, title and location of the defense and a copy of the student’s CV will need to be attached. Complete at least two weeks prior to the defense date. - PhD Mentored Teaching-Professional Experience Milestone
Once all requirements for the MTE/MPE have been met (review handbook for specifics), provide a brief description or include an attachment of the MTE/MPE. - PhD Request for Leave of Absence
If a student needs to take a leave of absence, Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors must submit this request to start the approval process. The student must complete this Time Away Form through the Office of the University Registrar. Students requesting a medical leave must first contact Student Health Services. Students returning from a LOA/MLOA will be reinstated at the beginning of a semester, summer, fall or spring. They can not return mid-semester. - PhD Probation
If a student is placed on probation, Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors must submit this form to gain approval from the Associate Dean of Student Services. This will also notify the Registrar. A copy of the proposed probation letter to the student needs to be attached, but not yet issued to the student. - PhD Return to Good Standing
Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors will use this form to remove a student from probation status. - PhD Degree Candidacy Extended
For use by Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors when a student’s status needs to change to Degree Candidacy Extended. Details around this status can be found in the Bulletin under Engineering Doctoral Policies. - PhD Withdrawal
If a student needs to withdraw from their PhD program, Coordinators or Graduate Program Advisors will submit this request to start the approval/notification process. The student must complete this Time Away Form through the Office of the University Registrar.
Master's Degree Candidate Forms
*Computer Science and Engineering students should contact Cleopatra Benos before initiating any forms.
- Master’s Thesis or Project Request
Students in programs that offer a thesis or project may submit this form after obtaining advisor approval. Once approved, the registrar will enroll the student in the correct course. - Master’s Transfer Credit Request
Master’s students may request up to (6) units of graduate level coursework earned from a previous degree. If approved by the department, these units will be applied toward the completion of the degree. Refer to the department handbook for specifics. - Master’s Independent Study Request
Students that have advisor approval to complete an independent study may submit this form. The registrar will enroll the student in the correct course. Some departments require additional materials. Please attach your department forms, if required. Sever students do not use this form - contact the department. - Master’s Thesis or Project Final Defense Approval
Students will submit this form after completion of either a thesis or project. Committee members must be included on this form to indicate completion of the requirement.
For thesis/dissertation submissions, see the Thesis & Dissertation Submission Procedures page.