Teaching Technology Resources


Canvas resource guides

Additional Canvas Quiz info

How is the due date different than the until date for Canvas quizzes?

For quizzes, the due date indicates that a quiz has been turned in “late”. In order to close submissions at a given time, you must use the until date/time. Once that time arrives, students will no longer be able to submit the exam.

How do I give extra time to complete a quiz to students with accommodations?

Here is a guide from FSU for giving extra time on a quiz

This can be done in addition to altering the due/until date range for a specific student to ensure that their allotted time for the test include the accommodation.

How can I add an assistant instructor to my Canvas coursesite?

The preferred method is to ask your department WUCRSL administrator to add them to the course and to specify whether or not they should have gradebook access. This ensures that the official registrar record is also up to date and then flows into Canvas (usually overnight; sometimes faster).