Service Description

The Student Loaner Laptop Program provides temporary laptop loaners to students taking classes in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University. The program aims to support students who may face temporary computer issues, such as hardware failures, software malfunctions, or repair scenarios.

Laptops can be checked out for up to the duration of the semester. All laptops must be returned at the end of each semester. Laptops come pre-loaded with basic software and additional software is available through the Software Center on the computer. Student will authenticate into the laptops with their WUSTL Key.

The availability of loaner laptops is limited and provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

Service Request

Students who require a loaner laptop should contact their instructor to initiate the request. Instructors should contact via email and include the student’s email address.

Service Delivery

Once a request has been approved, the student will be contacted via email. All loaner laptops are to be picked up and returned to Lopata Hall room 406.

Service Support

Students should contact to report any issues with loaner laptops.